Baby Park #3 | Baby announcement!

I’m so excited to share that we will be welcoming baby #3 – another little BOY – in August this year! In order to celebrate the occasion, my friend Julia with Julia Margaret Photography came to take these photos of our family! She was so great with the boys and I’m so thankful to have these to remember this fun time of life!

We are thrilled to experience life with three brothers, close in age, who we pray will be best buds!

Since baby boy will be arriving in August, this means that my fall sessions will be limited! I’ll be taking off all of September as well as part of October, and probably only holding a few mini session slots in the fall. To make up for this though, I’m planning some fun mini sessions for the spring and I’m so excited about them! Dates and times to be announced soon!

Thank you so much for all of your support, encouragement and love as we prepare to add another family member. We know that life can’t be lived alone and appreciate everyone who is walking alongside us in this very fun and sometimes crazy season!

p.s- Fun fact about these pictures… the ultrasound images are actually Jude’s 😉  (can’t find the new baby’s images…third baby…cut me some slack!)