Marc & Allie | Whitefish Bay Lifestyle Session

Today, you get to meet Allie, Marc and Elsie! They contacted me about photographing their family as their daughter just turned one, and I’m so happy they did! Not only was it so fun to capture these memories for them for their daughter’s first birthday, but they are also preparing to move out of their Whitefish Bay home, and it will be so fun for them to have these lifestyle photos to look back on from their first home together!

Allie, Marc & Elsie are definitely a family that is easy to photograph! They were smiling the whole time, laughing together, and made my job super easy! We also had a lot in common as we have mutual friends and PT backgrounds! Elsie kept us laughing the whole time. Whether it was reading books, playing with toys or just exploring, she was on the move and so much fun to photograph. Love her little smiles and expressions! She was even a trooper as we ventured out by the lake for a few photos!

Thank you guys for trusting me with these memories and inviting me into your home! Wishing you the best as you continue your journey at your next home. You have an amazing family and I hope to cross paths again in the future <3