Lake Country Newborns, LLC Interview

I’m so excited to start a new blog post series where I get to blog about local resources for the Milwaukee mom! I connected with Maggie from Lake Country Newborns after coming across her agency on a Facebook page. My first thought was “This is amazing!! I totally could have benefitted from this service as a new mom!” I chatted with Maggie on the phone and loved hearing her heart for new moms. Her agency serves so many needs. Read her interview below to understand more about what they do, and make sure to read all the way to the end so you can see where you can continue to connect with her.

1. What is your heart behind starting Lake Country Newborns?

I started Lake Country Newborns after doing a LOT of long commutes doing work that I truly love.  I’ve been a postpartum doula since 2018 and eventually the early morning drives home after long nights with newborns started to feel like too much.  At the same time, I also started to see and feel this gap in services between Madison and Milwaukee.  Lake Country is an amazing place to live, and I know the pulse of this community.  I believe that every family with a newborn would love a little help and they just don’t even know what options are out there!  Time with a newborn is so fleeting and so overwhelming and moms with babies are a special population that needs support for sure!

2. What kind of background do you and your staff have?

I have a BS in Communicative Disorders and switched gears after graduating and earned a Masters in Social Work.  I worked in child protective services and with teen moms for a few years before leaving that career to stay at home with my growing family and started a certified in-home daycare to still bring in income while being home.  Years later, I became a doula and have clearly run with that dream and passion!  
                Our independent contractors are an ecclectic group and that is by design!  We have a few nurses on board, some with postpartum experience and some took additional newborn care specialist training to meet our agnecy requirements.  We also have a long-time nanny on board.  I’ve also met with a lovley woman who will be traning as a postpartum doula, currently working in health and human services.  We really come from all walks of life!  To be considered for a contractor position with Lake Country Newborns, they must have a degree and professional postpartum training.  

3. What are some of the main services you provide to moms at Lake Country Newborns?

Lake Country Newborns does it all!  Baby whisperers, baby tips and tricks, breastfeeding and bottle feeding support, a little break in newborn care for parents, light housekeeping, meal prep/snack prep, emotional support, relationship support, lots of chatting and reassurance, baby care coaching, night nanny, sleep strategies and more!  

Anyone with a newborn fits our mold for care.  We work with a lot of dual working households that need/want sleep for our overnight services.  We help new parents learn the ropes of how to take care of a newborn.  Also, we have been getting a lot of calls from seasoned parents expecting their second, remembering what it was like with their first, and wanting to be more prepared with a lot more help the second time around!

4. What is the best piece of advice you would give a new mom?

You are doing a great job.  😉

5. Where are you located, and what areas do you service?

Our home office is located in Oconomowoc.  And by home office, I mean an adorable nook off my bedroom with my desk, shelves, printer and laptop.  We focus our care primarily in Waukesha County, and I’m working to add more contractors in varied locations to expand our range of care.  The goal is to serve all Southeast Wisconsin.  So far, we’ve worked within a 30 minute radius of the Lake Country Area.  

6. Anything else we should know?!

I am always looking for mamas to share weekly in our “For Real Friday” series on our Lake Country Newborns Facebook page and Instagram with their best tips for having a newborn.  We truly believe it takes a village to raise a child and it helps to hear different moms’ perspectives.  If anyone would like to contribute and share, they can contact me at

7. Where can people find you to stay connected, hear about what is going on in your business and contact you if needed? and on Facebook and Instagram @ lakecountrynewborns

Mom and dad in Lake Country holding newborn at different angles
Newborn baby in Brookfield, WI laying on bed