Spring Mini Sessions 2019 – Greendale, WI

It’s been a busy few months of transition here at our household! I’m now officially a Greendale family photographer as we moved here about five months ago. We’ve been busy with house projects, moving, starting new jobs and having a baby! A crazy five months! I wouldn’t say things are necessarily slowing down, but we are coming into somewhat of a rhythm, and I’m finally blogging some images from my spring mini sessions!

When I started my business in 2017, mini sessions weren’t something I thought I’d love. To be honest, they are fast-paced and can be somewhat stressful as they are a ton of work and require a lot of energy and organization. But, I’ve come to really love them! They’re an amazing opportunity to meet a lot of families, many of whom have become consistent clients and friends. I’ve loved seeing the kids grow up even over two years, and I can’t wait to see many of the repeat families over subsequent years as well.

For now, I’ve grown into a bit of a routine with mini sessions. I’ll be offering them 4 times per year: springtime (mid-may with the floral blooms!), summer (beach sessions, to be blogged next!), fall and winter (Christmas tree farm sessions). Here is a small sampling from my spring mini sessions this past May, right after our move!

For anyone reading, I’m curious, do you prefer mini sessions or full ones?