Triple Adoption – Milwaukee WI

This adoption session marks one of the most special ones to date! As many of you know, I have a huge heart for foster care. I first heard about the need for foster parents when an organization called OneHope27 came to our church. As I walked through the lobby at church that day, rocking a crying baby, I picked up one of their brochures and read that at any given time in Milwaukee ALONE there are over 2000 kids in the foster care system and only 500-some foster families! The need is HUGE!

I know it’s not an easy thing to be a foster parent. The system is broken, and the process to adopt or find some sort of permanent plan for the children can be long and heartbreaking. But, when I see kids like these thriving and loved by so many people around them, it brings me so much joy that there are people who go through the process to bring kids to a permanent home or even just to love them for a short time.

This adoption was special as two families were both adopting children within the same ceremony. These three kiddos are siblings, and two of them are being adopted by one family and one by another! Their parents are committed to loving them, and they are such sweet and happy kids!

I’ve heard good things from friends who have gone through the adoption process about Judge Foley and he lives up to everything people have to say about him! He started off the ceremony by giving each kid candy and a stuffed animal, and kept the entire adoption process full of joy with a light hearted nature.

If you haven’t been to an adoption, I hope that someday you are able to. It’s such a beautiful representation of Christ’s love for us. Though we did nothing to deserve Him, he chose to love us and accept us into his family. It was such a joy to see an earthly example of this for these three sweet kids.

Thank you all so much for allowing me to be part of this day!